
Rain rust OBD 2 Diagnosescanner Methods

Car as a mass consumer goods, many Aicheyizu on their car care a plus, but how to do to prevent rain rust, you know a car OBD 2 Diagnosescanner   with a long time if you do not care to be very easy to care for rust in Here, I introduce to you the recipe to the car rust removal method. Vehicles on the way, encounter rain and snow or muddy puddles passing is inevitable thing, and some gap at the underbody and interior floors are easy to accumulate sludge, etc., such as the owner does not promptly cleaned, which makes moisture be hiding. Therefore, for the inner and outer rims wheels, doors, trunk bottom corner, door key hole and wiper frame moving parts, etc., should be checked frequently, while maintaining the door and body ministries drainage holes clear, check the car cover humidity, such as carpets, floor member to prevent rust.

Often rust paint surface, in addition to the common collisions, scratches, the driving tires bouncing small stones hit in the finish, but also make peeling paint appears one small point, a long time will produce Small rust. And because most of these small scars in inconspicuous place, easy to overlook. Therefore, usually to regularly check the body, engine cover and body around, if it is found necessary and timely to the professional beauty shop for processing.

Some paint softer vehicle traveling at high speed during the sand particles hit the car body may also cause small scratches. For these cars, you can give the body fight sealed glaze, it can form a solid mesh protective film to improve the hardness of the paint, the effect can be maintained for about a year. The coating can achieve a similar effect. In addition, for the bottom of the vehicle can be armored chassis or sealed plastic, which  Silca SBB Autoschlüssel Master   can protect the chassis acid rain, corrosion protective layer so that the original is not easy to dry and fall off, but also to prevent them moving pebbles on the chassis of the impact.

 Vehicles parked outside, the case of heavy rain, the weather, the car will be repeated beatings inner clothing paint, especially if the wind blowing inside sewing, it will draw on numerous road car body designated small marks, paint over time can also cause hair black. Also, do not sand directly after cleaning with a duster or rag sand car body, but should rinse with water, is also a duster and wipes to prevent scratching the paint on the sand.

If the rust is not very serious, first with very fine sandpaper water dip gently rubbed rust, but no direction to avoid chaos grinding, sanding straight to the same direction. So completely wiped, coated with a layer of primer. If the new scratches, can be wiped directly primed. After that, if the vehicle is equipped with original paint canister, you can wait for the primer dry, then water sandpaper to grind, and the primer coat on top of the original paint. If there is no original paint, you can buy  SBB Key Programmer a fill paint pen fill paint pen with color processing. Although such a process did not go to beauty shop good effect, but if it is small or not visible at the scars, it can serve to prevent rust expand, increasing role.

