
Car maintenance - maintenance of the most important first Consult 3

Usually the first insurance are free, do not miss the first owners of the best protection, because the new car in the Consult 3  running state, the mechanical components of running, demand for oil will be relatively high, so the significance of the first insurance is this. Relatively speaking, the two insurance is very important, the project involves engine, automatic transmission, air conditioning systems, steering systems, braking systems, suspension systems, body parts, tires eight most up to 63 projects testing and maintenance. It also includes quality control test. Two insurance generally reach 10,000 km mileage car when. Typically, after two security testing and maintenance of such a variety, the entire state into the best condition obviously, traffic safety has been the best protection.

  New car after a run-in period to pull the high-speed, in order to improve engine performance. Why is this? Because the new engine after initial run-in after the operation tends to be coordination between the parts. At this time pulling speed, allowing the engine to maintain  zed bull key programmer  duplacating machine  high-speed operation for some time, you can test the limits of the machine working conditions, expanding mechanical materials tensile, compression, anti-collision, torsional tolerance range. Especially at high temperatures, the strength of the metal material can be greatly improved, parts of the overall performance can be further enhanced.

However, a number of technical staff to remind, if we must choose to go Lara speed versus time, the first oil definitely not use the first tank to pull high-speed, first metal debris in the oil tank up, impurities are also many, use these with to pull a large number of high oil debris, it will greatly increase engine wear and tear, or even cause abnormal wear.

For many car owners just buy a car, fresh enthusiasm has not been, almost every day the car was rubbed out, in fact, such a "pet" tends to make the new car too much. Because car wash like a man taking a bath, if people bathe too often, it will lead to dry skin, aging, car, "bath" is the same reason. If you wash too much paint  Alldata 10.20   Alldata 10.20  is easy to "premature", after some time and even lead to compartment floor, doors and other parts of the bottom rust rot.

