
Summer car driving and Diagnose Scanner maintenance tips

Many owners often do not have problems with the  Diagnose Scanner vehicle will not be much action. Among them, for example, air-conditioning, the owners of the whole year without cleaning is not uncommon. However, the prolonged use of car air-conditioning in summer, do a thorough cleaning is still very necessary. In addition to odor removal, the air inlet inhaled a lot of dust, dirt and the breeding of bacteria, etc., are easily affect people's health. Note key clean air sites include: Automotive condenser, this part will affect the cooling effect of air conditioning condenser is usually installed in the front, and the tank together, cleaning should be taken to prevent heat blades are clogged with leaves, affecting the cooling effect.

As the summer heat, many owners do not often drive windows, and air conditioning in order to wind, often choose only the inner loop. For a long time, the air inside will become cloudy, and then hit particularly hot and humid weather before a thunderstorm, also easy to breed bacteria. Owners can now choose from several options to car upholstery cleaners or beauty Fahrzeugdiagnose  shop interior of the car a thorough cleanup.

Summer cooling liquid evaporates quickly, should always check the antifreeze is missing, if the lack, to replenish the same  brand of antifreeze, non-complementary to other brands of antifreeze or water. Because automobile engine cooling system antifreeze is primarily within the working medium, its main role is to make the engine cooling system through the forced circulation, keep the engine proper operating temperature.

It's called "antifreeze" because some of the solution containing the chemical composition of low freezing point, which can protect the car's engine and a low temperature water tank does not freeze. In addition to freezing effects, such as chemical composition formulated with ethylene glycol antifreeze is not only low temperature, high temperature characteristics but also particularly good. Such antifreeze in order to be close to 200 degrees Celsius, "boil." Summer in the tank on this antifreeze filling your car tank is not easily "boil" troubled by it. In addition, antifreeze and rust, descaling effect.

Although it seems there is no life, but it is also afraid of the sun, long-term exposure will send old, wrinkled. Ordinary beauty waxing, although some effect, but because any wax contains silicone composition, well-ultraviolet radiation will rust paint, leaving   Audi VAS 5054A  little spots. And wax itself will not achieve enhanced hardness, resistance to ultraviolet light, it will drain quickly due to high temperature, so when parking the car should be parked in the shade

