
All kinds of transmission opel tech2 PK

The reason why should four-wheel drive  opel tech2  on the last to say that because of the type of four-wheel drive, performance vary. Its English name is a 4 Wheel Drive. Purposes can be divided into two types: road four-wheel drive and off-road four-wheel drive. From the sub-type of actuator can be divided into four kinds: full-time four-wheel drive, time 4WD, timely four-wheel drive and ultra-election four-wheel drive.
First of all, we come to understand as road four-wheel drive, four-wheel drive high-speed driving on the highway will bring any benefit. Usually we common two driver, whether it is the precursor or rear-wheel drive, the output power of the engine is borne by two wheels, which means each wheel is to bear 50% of the drive force. Each of the wheels of the four-wheel-drive models get a power of 25%, which means that each wheel assumed torque output is reduced by half. Then in the case of the same engine power, the four-wheel drive models than two driven due to the power output of each wheel borne small, so the probability of slip is reduced. Larger effective traction can be  
opcom op com obtained in the acceleration.

 Equipped with a high-power engine saloon cars like four-wheel drive to increase the output of effective traction. Audi assembly of more than 8-cylinder engine models are equipped with a full-time four-wheel drive to get better power. The Benz E BMW5 system the four-wheel drive version. Of course, the improvement of the effective traction and a greater benefit is that you can enhance the vehicle's climbing performance. The center of gravity moved the car uphill, the front wheel load decreases, so very easy to slip before the drive even after the drive, and can lead to tire easily slip due to positive pressure decreases uphill tire adhesion reduce. Each of the wheels of the four-wheel drive models bear only about 25% of the power, so the chance to reduce skidding, climbing performance improved significantly.
As off-road four-wheel drive, as mentioned above, in addition to climbing performance can improve off-road, non-road conditions through performance. In fact, it is easy to understand, the ordinary two-wheel drive car, if the drive wheels the mire slip, the whole car lost power. The four wheels can provide traction, then the two wheels after falling into the quagmire of the other two wheels include the  
ford vcm ids ability to provide traction and allow the car to get rid of the plight of the anchored.

