
Atkinson launch x431 gx3 cycle engine

Since since the birth of the four-stroke internal launch x431 gx3 combustion engine, the engine engineers have been working hard on the subject of how to improve the efficiency of the engine. The mentioned engine efficiency, "compression ratio" naturally became the protagonist of the discussion. Been high compression ratio = high efficiency, high power "has become the creed of the same school which the internal combustion engine. Intake, compression, expansion and exhaust the four-stroke internal combustion engine of the four-stroke cycle, Otto successfully developed in 1876, which lasted 14 years, the engine principle, known as the Otto cycle. Which can improve internal combustion engine efficiency most critical part - the compression stroke, the mechanical process, has been plagued by the principle becomes more than a decade-long Otto.
Because of the technical limitations at the time, the compression ratio can not make a greater improvement in the efficiency of the engine can not be further enhanced. In 1882, the British engineer James Atkinson (James Atkinson) Otto-cycle internal combustion engine based on a complex set of Linkage, making the compression stroke of the engine is greater than the expansion stroke, this clever design, not only to improve the efficiency of the engine intake, but also makes the expansion of
elm 327   the engine is higher than compression ratio, and effectively improve the efficiency of the  engine, the working principle of such an engine is known as the Atkinson cycle.
However, Atkinson cycle engine has been improved in thermal efficiency, however, overly complicated link mechanism it the stability and reliability of the work is relatively low, and therefore it can not be widely applied. In 1940, American engineer Ralph Miller (Raff • Miller) developed an expansion ratio higher than the compression ratio of the engine. However, this engine previously abandoned by Atkinson research complex linkage mechanism to achieve the form, instead of using the end of the intake stroke, the compression stroke, the intake valve delay Close, forcing already sucked into the cylinder combustible mixture within part through the intake valve "spit" out of the cylinder, and then close the valve.  

Engine the actual compression stroke is not started from the piston lower dead point, but the next stop point in the up a point (or perhaps is only 0.7 times the piston stroke) began, reducing the actual compression stroke of the piston, is  autoboss v30  achieved the compression stroke less than the purpose of the expansion stroke.

