
Fuel additives added attention to damage Ds 708 engine

Vehicle maintenance, vehicle Ds 708 owners need to do to be a smart consumer. Automotive professionals, part of the fuel-efficient products may corrode internal engine parts, should feel free to use.
    Miss Chang's new car just opened two weeks recently, when she went to refuel, gas station staff to its marketing of a fuel additive, saying, additives into the fuel tank can help gasoline complete combustion to achieve fuel efficiency purposes . Since this is the first time to buy a car, the car need to add or not to add any do not know Miss Chang under the "good intentions" of the sales staff, spend over a hundred dollars to buy two and joined the tank.
    Above this situation, I believe that many go to the gas station owners will encounter. In this regard, automotive 
J2543  professionals, these fuel-efficient products, the actual effect is not obvious, but there may be some parts of the corrosion inside the engine, therefore, this fuel-saving additives can not be lightly plus.
Market: fuel-efficient products popular
    With the rise of oil prices and parking fees, the owner of the car increased costs, a variety of fuel-efficient products, "is also popular. Provided at the gas station, 4S shop or Specialized shops, there will be a wide variety of fuel-efficient products to sell, especially at the gas station, fuel additives through marketing staff, one an injection to owners tank.
    Throughout the automotive supplies market, a variety of fuel-efficient products assortment owners difficult to choose automotive professionals recommend that consumers look at these products, be sensible, not because others say more of this product can be fuel-efficient and free to love car added.
    Automotive professionals, fuel 
BMW GT1 additives to clean up coke reduce knock, these products are used in a car some years there will be some role, there is no need to add if it is just getting a new car soon.

