
High oil prices reminder hot illegal modification of vehicles OBD2 Scanner Code

High oil prices, the number of private car  OBD2 Scanner Code  owners how to save money moving from the brain. Recently, some unscrupulous operators in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province launched vehicle power conversion business, the original gasoline vehicles converted into methanol vehicles. Pointed out, these vehicles belong to unauthorized alterations, security and reliability without the certification of the relevant departments, although it solved the problem of money, but to bring the issue of vehicle safety. In addition, the operating point is situated in a residential area, there are also a serious security risk.

Black dens located in a residential area

Increasingly high cost of driving, many automotive consumers "looking oil Despair". Recently, a lot of Nanchang owners told this of Jiangxi reporter station reflects, there are a lot of people active in Nanchang major gas stations near to see the car payment card that says "let the car burn methanol, car costs instantly crossing back to 10 years ago, money is the last word, "like the slogan. Reporters  
OBDII Circuit Board have also received a card to the front that says the word "Chemical of the alcohol - methanol filling point, the back says" retrofitting methanol controller for your car, burning 50% methanol save money, not do any harm, "the words.

Recently, according to the address left on the card, the reporter went to the Donghu District, the Magi near Lake Bear Village, between a row of residential buildings in an abandoned parking lot and found that methanol filling point. The reporter saw many taxis and private cars waiting in a long queue in front of the filling point. Rough estimate, at least 15 vehicles, including taxi majority. Filling point to build a simple shed, parked in a passenger car, through the car glass, the reporter clearly see that there are several small filling machine.

"We can take your car to burn oil converted into methanol-burning, conversion costs only 400 yuan, the sooner converted more to save money." One middle-aged women, said to reporters, modification is very simple, as long as the vehicle's fuel injectors on the installation of a methanol controller, and then install a valve on it.

