
BMW MB Star C3 mixed dynamic models will be introduced

Can say mixed dynamic technology for MB Star C3 DE system makers have been not strengths, day system brand in this success is obvious to all. But along with the domestic consumers for Japanese purchase enthusiasm of declining, day system mixed dynamic models in China sales and strategy is also subject to a certain influence, while BMW is planning will be mixed dynamic technology models for introducing the Chinese market, recently brilliance BMW automobile co., LTD., marketing senior vice President dr DaiLei accept netcom club in an interview, said: "in the upcoming guangzhou auto show (micro Po) we will bring 3 system mixed dynamic and five system mixed dynamic two new car." In addition a BMW insiders also revealed: in introduced a new after 7 series, the new 7 series mixing dynamic models will be introduced in the future domestic. It is not difficult to see that BMW in China is comprehensive reinforcement for efficient dynamic aspects of layout.
In this year's guangzhou auto show on mix dynamic technology models will become the largest contingent BMW booth, whether new 3 system mixed moving or the new 5 series mixed moving for the Chinese market for all to be fresh face. But with the new energy planning field of rapid development, BMW is also conform to this trend will more mixed dynamic models to China market in order to achieve has been the pursuit of the efficient power purpose.
3.0 T in-line six gasoline engine and a motor will be BMW three paragraphs mixed dynamic models of the main power system composition, this machine 400 million motor by a block is located in vehicle tail of lithium battery in power supply and can work alone has   Ford Ids Vcm  reached pure electric driving, in such a mode to 60 km/h speed can travel 3-4 kilometers. Allocation will be equipped with brake energy recovery, rev. / stop system, ECO PRO driving mode and can provide economic travel route navigation system, etc. In addition the BMW and Toyota cooperative r&d is also mixed dynamic models rapid development impetus, BMW and Toyota in signed cooperation agreement is the main switch technology is given priority to, BMW hybrid field in order to have more competitive advantage will and Toyota cooperation developing the next generation of automobile lithium battery technology
And in BMW introduce a comprehensive mixed dynamic models of in the meantime also will face the fierce market competition, including audi mix dynamic planning is not allow to neglect. Is currently being sold in the BMW X6 mixed dynamic and the upcoming release of the new 7 series mixing dynamic BMW future will reach 4 model squad, such scale can completely and audi launched a "new energy war".
In pure electric technology and the market is not enough mature at present, mixed dynamic technology is undoubtedly the most realistic energy-saving development direction. For BMW in developing high efficiency power at the same time, the importance of the Chinese market will continuously improve, the future more new energy vehicles will be will be more  Digimaster 3 preferential consideration into domestic sales.

