
DIY oneself replace the spark plug X-431 Diagun

With the operation of the engine or the vehicle traveling  X-431 Diagun  the distance increases, the discharge voltage of the spark plug electrode gap must also continue to rise, will be more close to the voltage limit of the ignition coil are provided, then the ignition is increasingly difficult, and ultimately breakage occurs fire. Spark plug life will end here, generally spark plug of life between 15,000 km to 30,000 km of high quality platinum spark plug can reach 50000-60000 km.

The working principle of the spark plug is to produce sparks between the electrodes of the discharge phenomenon, the gasoline engine through the fuel and a mixed gas of combustion timely generating power even in a high temperature environment, but as the fuel of gasoline is difficult spontaneous combustion, in order to make it timely burning need to "fire" to ignite. Here that the spark ignition is the role of the spark plug. The good or bad engine performance largely depends on the differences in the quality of the spark plug flashed spark to decide. We tend to the engine than as "the heart of the car, but can more spark plugs than as" the heart of the engine. Therefore, the performance and quality of the spark plug is good or bad, deeply affect the driving experience and engine life of your car.

Spark plug stars are many points 
sbb key programmer  in accordance with the material to: nickel alloy, platinum, etc., and the material itself has good conductivity. Cold type spark form of cremation plug cooling and hot type spark plugs, spark plug electrode structure mainly unipolar, bipolar, quadrupole. Which for want to improve vehicle the ignition performance considerations, many people will think of the unipolar spark plug to a multi-polar, or nickel alloy spark plugs instead of platinum.
From the price point of view, a single support precious metal spark plug expensive than nickel-alloy tens of dollars, but relative to the hundreds of million at discounted prices of, it is the absolute value is not high, many riders that the manufacturers do not give ourselves with precious metal spark plug to the car, entirely because of cost considerations, jerry-performance, and therefore very angrily money, his car is far from spark plug replacement cycle of nickel alloy spark plug replacement for platinum. Such replacement is apparently due to performance considerations, rather than the durability. Estimated ten Youhui nine feel disappointed enhance this performance is limited, do not feel even the slightest, in fact, this is the main reason for the original precious metal spark plug. For life, to use their own vehicles is relatively poor, a short period of time driving mileage more 
Tacho Pro  willing to frequently travel to the service station to replace the spark plug riders, platinum spark plugs, which can reduce the number of replacement, and improve work efficiency.

