
How car wash after the snow is more scientific toyota id4c key

A snowfall so the road, the car was covered with snow, and snow of  toyota id4c key  the scenery, white snowflakes look very clean, but the snowfall, the snow has absorbed various chemical substances in the air, and there are indeed contain acidic , alkaline or corrosive ingredients, so snow should be timely for the car Shan snow and cleaning the body, in order to avoid erosion of the paint, to lose their luster.
Snow after timely car wash on traffic safety, as well as legitimate road protection has a direct relationship to the body of the vehicle if the snow did not timely removal of snow and cold weather, the snow easily extruded to form ice A frozen windows keyhole even wipers and windshield washer fluid vents, which directly affect the lane when part of the function of normal operation, in some cases, cause a safety hazard.
Snow after road mud tires rolled easily covering the headlights, license and other important parts, covering the lights not only affect the lighting at night, also makes its own identifiable reduce greatly reduced safety factor of driving at night, and mud covering the necessary vehicle license to alleged illegal acts to block the plate, especially from January 1 next year, the punishment block the plate will be raised to record 12 points, so to maintain the appearance of the vehicle tidy snowfall is not without the grounds of the car wash.
So snowy weather car, must as soon as possible, vehicle washing, the sooner the residual chemical residues to get rid of the body of the vehicle, the less damage to the paint. This may increase the owners maintenance expenditures, but better than then paint aging remedies to deal more. Such as "a few days then have snow", "two days later, the road is still very dirty" is not an excuse, if you want your car to keep it new, and timely car wash is the most important part.
How should the car wash?
More snow after the car wash's pay attention to the first car wash with the water temperature can not be too high or too low, although the winter a lot of car wash shop will play the "signs of the hot water washing, but must pay attention to the  
MaxiVideo MV101   car wash with warm water is too cold, overheat the water temperature will damage the paint.
Cold water directly flush not only easy to cause the body to be frozen, but also in the high temperature part of the engine cover, etc., would have higher temperature paint suddenly cooled significantly but easily lead to accelerated aging.
The injury car in cold water, hot water temperature is the same injury car. First, also when the sudden change in temperature will damage the paint, so that it gradually lost their luster, and will result in more cars to wash the older consequences. Extreme cases, hot and cold alternately suddenly there might let windshield burst Kangbu Zhu such drastic changes. Car wash this car's a good thing, but improper operation destroyed the car more harm than good.
Many owners already know that should make the car wash, but remember to wash Chassis fear that on one of the few in the snow. Management departments of many cities on the road in snow Spreading deicing salt, this the chemical preparations snow rapidly melting snow, although effective in improving the road driving environment, but its body and chassis of the hazards, but not small. Deicing salt corrosion paint, the chassis has a certain, the wheels rolled muddy water mixed with dirt, snow will accelerate the speed of the chassis rust.
Snow after driving off the vehicle, it should be closing the front of the vehicle chassis flushing, automatic car wash this regard than the artificial hand-held spray gun manual car wash more recommendable, because the sprinkler system of the automatic car wash special nozzle to wash Chassis can Chassis dirt chemical residues thoroughly cleansed. However, taking into account the washing machine can be divided 
VW 3-Button Remote Key  into different grades, not all computer chassis wash service car wash has provided, that those car owners must inquire in the car wash clear.

