
Owners self-check MB Star C3 lines and crack

By car if encountered on the road to a flat tire, MB Star C3   owners who really is an unfortunate thing. Automotive repair professionals said, the car tire and he should do maintenance, so that we can ensure the safety of the tire.

"Less than half of new cars before buying, but not how to open out, will open the home or travel long distance, usually are not very open in the parking lot, the tires should be a good son, however, travel before himself visually over tire is not something I did not expect a flat tire in a moving way.

As the "feet" of the vehicle, the tire plays a 
Ford Ids Vcm vital role in driving safety, and therefore it is particularly important for tire conservation. "Mr. Long said his car often is drying in the sun, and does not often open out. Mr. Long said he always came back to the car wash immediately, so that the tire is not good, because just stopped, the hot tire case of cold water, tire more easily aging or harden.

The first look tire aging is serious, you can see the lines of the tire tread and sidewall, if widespread cracks indicates that the tire has been serious aging. Followed had more than three times the tire to be replaced in a timely manner, Do not be afraid to spend money and not to replace the tire. The three sidewall bar must be promptly replaced the tire sidewall Dhabi tread injured more dangerous.

Now many owners like yourself to check the car, but a lack of experience that made it impossible to start. In fact, check the tire is very simple, following several small ways can help owners tire of the self-test before traveling must do check the tires, particularly regular car driving bad road conditions, should pay more attention
GM Tech 2 , after all vehicular traffic have a serious impact on the life of the tire.

