
Winter driving ready "seven weapons Tacho Pro

Winter temperatures of the northern region is not too  Tacho Pro   low, many people drive out do not need to wear thick protection against the cold, but prepared a set of winter clothes and a pair of gloves is also necessary, in case of need to replace the tires in the snow, these preparations as if for help clothing.
Old newspapers tape: snowflakes flying is to allow people to indulge in, but brought no small trouble to the traffic. Old newspapers with tape snowing outside attached to the windshield can be removed from the windshield frost or ice due to early the next morning, not quickly road troubles.
Dry cloth, dusters: dusters snow and dust wiped the car everyone will do, but be careful not to use a damp cloth to wipe the windows, as it would make the icing on the window, the more friction the more flowers So winter is the best in the car equipped with a dry cloth.
Sunglasses: the sunny day after snow everywhere snow, charming, very easily lead to optic nerve fatigue, and wearing sunglasses will be able to relieve visual fatigue, and also to protect the eyes. In addition, in case of fatigue, the car should be stopped to timely rest to ensure traffic safety.
Front and rear wiper blades: snow ice days, on and off the wiper should wipe the snow and ice water on the blade, at the same time you want to wipe the windshield to prevent the wiper blades and windshield frozen together, if necessary time night parking wiper blade support to ensure that will not freeze.
Tire winter of the spare tire: in general should be able to maintain sufficient pressure, but should often knocked, the check pressure is normal, especially for patched spare tire should pay more attention to low temperatures will make some poor quality tire repair glue lapse.
Extinguishers: winter monsoon climate of dry, that some smokers readily abandoned Spark obliterate butts, plus easy access to the engine compartment Mikie dead leaves, in order to cope with the emergence of the accident, the fire 
bmw ops   extinguisher is essential supplies, be sure to look at the fire extinguisher is intact.
Cold ignition too difficult to try these four methods
Into the winter, low temperatures, a number of vehicles, especially diesel vehicles prone to difficulty in starting and other issues. How to solve it? Intake system: intake system mainly refers to the throttle, inlet.
Throttle cleaning method: Remove the intake valve screws, use the throttle detergent rinse off after a while, and then dedicated a soft cloth to wipe clean.
Inlet cleaning methods: Remove the throttle, the Free demolition intake system cleaning agent fixed to the front on the cover side, will be poured into the cleaning agent, the idling of the vehicle, the rotational speed is maintained at about 1500 rpm for 10-15 minutes. The fuel injection system: fuel injection system including fuel injectors and fuel tanks.
Cleaning method: Remove the inlet pipe connected to the fuel injection system, special tools, adding fuel cleaning additive free washable, adjusted the pressure, idle speed is maintained at about 1200 rpm, for 20 minutes. Cleaning the fuel injection system, and the need to observe the fire, because the inlet pipe is removed, there will be 
ford IDS VCM   gasoline outflow, remember to pay attention to the open flame. Exhaust system: exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe, muffler and exhaust purification device (three-way catalytic) four parts.
Cleaning method: Open the fuel tank cap, the three-way catalytic cleaning agent is added to the tank, the idle speed to maintain between 2000-3000 rpm for 20 minutes. Combustion system: combustion system is a combustion chamber to the top of the cover and the upper portion of the piston in the engine drums.
Cleaning methods: lay the combustion chamber, to join the professional cleaners, plus open for a while after, the road, the speed remained at between 80-100 km.

