
Talk about the importance of automotive beauty

Car as people care skin becomes rough skin unloved, loss of elasticity and shine, will premature aging, beauty and maintenance of the car is the same. Usually the body surface, the chassis, the interior will be ways infringement.

1, UV-car finish against. Contains strong ultraviolet sun automotive paint paint inside the oil branch of a large number of loss after long-term exposure to sunlight, the paint increasingly become dry, there will be loss of light, different color spots or cracks.

Harmful gases finish infringement. Harmful gases in the atmosphere, such as dioxide content of sulfur, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide in increased with the growing global atmospheric pollution. Car bodywork and air friction at high speeds the body surface to form a layer of strong static electricity. The electrostatic adsorption dust, harmful gas molecules attachments thickening over time will form a layer of stubborn traffic film, sustained damage paint. Produce film due to traffic, making the original shiny body dim up, the color is not so brilliant, and seriously affect the quality of the after waxing.

3, rain, snow, paint, chassis infringement. Rain due to industrial pollution, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide content of salt and other substances, more and more, the formation of acid rain, and causing continued infringement finish.

Other factors damage the paintwork. The car will also be in the running process external damage, such as scratch hard objects such as paint scratches, bird droppings and flying paint, and other adhesion formation in the paint and infringement.

Bodywork damage caused by the above reasons, if not regular professional automotive beauty care, long-term accumulation of a vicious cycle, not just affect the aesthetics of the car, the more important impact on the safety of cars and people.

