
The basic operating principle of the auto manual gearbox

The physical characteristics of the engine X determine the presence of the gearbox. First, any engine has its peak speed; Second, the engine's maximum power and maximum torque at a certain speed zone. For example, the maximum power of the engine at 5500 rpm. The gearbox can be in the state of the vehicle was.
The CVT has a continuous speed ratio. It has been because of price, size and * X without a lot of equipment automotive. Now, the improved design makes the use of the CVT has been more common. Made AUDI 2.8 CVT gearbox via the clutch connected to the engine, so that, the input shaft of the gearbox and the engine to achieve synchronous speed
In order to better understand the gearbox works, let us first look at a simple model of a two-speed gearbox and see the tie between the various parts:
Connected to the engine through the clutch and input shaft (green) axis and above the gear is a member. The shaft and the gear (red) called the intermediate shaft. They rotate together. Axis (green) is rotated through the meshing of gears driven by the rotation of the intermediate shaft, and In this case, the intermediate shaft can transmit the power of the engine. Shaft (yellow) is a splined shaft, and the drive shaft is connected directly to drive the car through the differential. 

The input shaft (green) to drive the intermediate shaft, an intermediate shaft driven gear on the right (blue) by the sleeve and the spline shaft, the gear connected to transfer energy to the drive shaft. In the meantime, the left side of the gear (blue) also rotate, but because there is no engagement and sleeve, so it does not impact splined shaft. When the sleeve in the middle of the two gears (first figure below), the gearbox in neutral position. The two gears are freely rotatable on the splined shaft, the speed is determined by a shift ratio between the intermediate gears and the gear shaft (blue).

