
The rain stop hedging -don't turn on the air conditioning

Driving distress self-helpVehicle strayed into deeper water area, such as water depth over the exhaust pipe, should be low to block traffic, increase the engine speed, throttle stability, to maintain traffic speed through the water, pay attention to whether effective braking performance.2 vehicles water flameout Do not attempt to start the engine, should try to push the car to a safe place, to avoid affecting the passage of other vehicles, the first time for police assistance.3 vehicles fall into the deep water, do not open the windows or tried to open the door, breathing efforts to find a good ready to escape the doorknob, waiting for the water slowly poured into the car, when the water will diffuse into the roof, took a deep breath, and breath-hold open the door quickly swim out. 

Parking hedge, do not open the car air conditioning.Second, pedestrian safety defenseRain pedestrian should no longer hurry, and as soon as possible to a temporary shelter from the rain in the higher-lying buildings, do not rain in the culverts, overpasses, low-lying area, high walls, trees.2. Always pay attention to the roadside flood control and safety warning signs, not close to Curb walking to avoid falling into the wells of the closing of the lack of well grate.3. Avoid lampposts, utility poles, transformers, power lines and nearby trees may even charged objects; after hydrocephalus region, found that the wires to fall into the water, must detour and promptly report to the relevant departments.Cycling observe slow riding, met early and get off and try to avoid the water road to avoid underwater obstacles or pit trap.

Tram Note the:On the platform and orderly queuing Do not crowded pit stop of the vehicle.Open the front of the bus after the pit stop of the vehicle and not to come into contact with the body.Found that the vehicle leakage, listen to the driver commanding, stay put, and so the driver power orderly get off, get off both feet at the same time should be landing (avoid Kuabudianya role in personal electric shock).Pedestrians in distress relief and self-help1 found drowning shall promptly call others to assist in treatment of drowning victims were rescued from the water as soon as possible and take the following urgent measures:Instantly clear within the oral cavity, nasal cavity water, dirt and sediment, and tongue pulled out, to keep the airway open. 

Prone to drowning person, elevate the lower abdomen, head drooping so stagnant water poured out. Or treatment to hold fast to the drowning man legs, its belly on the shoulders of the treatment by brisk walking, so that accumulation of water poured out. Note that the action should be agile, must not delay the rescue time for pouring water to affect other rescue measures.Breathing and heartbeat stop drowning by artificial respiration and external cardiac massage immediately.2 found lying on the ground was an electric shock, avoid hand to pull an electric shock, should promptly call the telephone assistance, qualified to take the following emergency initiatives

