
Analysis Fox car consumption

China's auto market is a completely open Ford Ids Vcm market, and has from the past a seller's market to a buyer's market, consumer demand for automobile manufacturers have a very strong guiding role, any action will be a departure from the consumers' willingness to car prices tangible and intangible economic losses, in other words, Chinese people focus on what, car prices on the areas in which efforts the idea of ​​localization, localization of design and configuration of the Chinese auto market have its own characteristics.
With the high degree of popularity of the car, and now the attention of Chinese consumers for cars has also become a yearly increase. Today, will edit the index of concern to the home data center of the car as the basis, combined with the key data for your reports of a compact car in the Chinese market attention, while in the next few reports, we also will be SUV, mid-size cars, luxury cars attention related news articles.
The data show that the compact car from December 12 last year - June 12 this year, most attention in the level of all models, accounting for 28.51%, is also consistent with the current status quo of China's auto market is worth mentioning that , SUV models, followed by the proportion of 26.08%, with the pattern of the small SUV market is open within the next year or two, SUV models, or more than the compact car to become the most talked about models of the Chinese consumer. In addition, the compact car and SUV two models accounted for the proportion of 54.59% share of more than half of all models, sports car and MPV, medium and large cars, luxury cars, mini cars five models of the total number of attention is only 17.67 %, which is the concern of the domestic auto market model pattern more clear.
From December 12, 2011 June 12, 2012, the domestic compact car market, broken down according to the type of car manufacturers, concerned about the share of joint venture brands accounted for 61.89%, 30.52% own brand of imported brands of 7.59%. In fact, just look at this one chart, we have no idea, but after the attention the proportion of contrast micro-cars and luxury cars, we found a bright spot ...
Analogy, the fundamental purpose of the majority of Chinese consumers to buy mini cars, car travel is cost an absolute advantage in its own brand must have been highly concerned about this car group, to buy TAG floats consumer groups buy a car in addition to travel outside the car they have status and identity symbol, coupled with sufficient economic capacity, the price level of a car when the car for them does not seem so important, so the high price imported cars has become a concern for this market groups. Finally, to return to the compact car, for this consumer group, I personally think is the most tangled, and they want to face, but also consider the pocket "money" after full consideration, the joint venture model at this level most attention is, and justifies things.
Models of the highest concern in the rankings of all models level: Fox in the rankings of all model levels, the most talked about models Fox, the top five are the Fox, Sagitar, Cruze, golf, and Sunny, Germany Department vehicles type accounted for three places, the rest are U.S. models. You can see five cars are selling models in the country, but the editor to tell you that yes, the high degree of concern and good or bad sales, but not a major factor, Take the top section 14 of Excelle April sales, the car has reached more than 20,000 vehicles sold, but the degree of concern is unsatisfactory, the overall analysis, editing, facelift or replacement model introduced, large and long-term marketing and product promotion, whether the technical highlights of the new car is the size of the brand influence, and many other factors is decided to focus on the degree of the level of the fundamental, in conjunction with the many ways.
Independent compact models of the highest concern in the model-level ranking: Imperial EC7 say that 2012 is the independent car prices, Sheng Sijie, the face is not optimistic about market prospects, independent car prices between the competition is increasingly fierce. independent concern of the top five rankings are dihao EC7, Chery A3, the Great Wall of C50 Yi moving EADO, the C30 of the Great Wall, then such a degree of concern illustrates what is it? Editors believe that, independent domestic car prices in the parallel stage of development, and no individual car prices thriving is worth mentioning here is that the results started to pickup and off-road SUV, Great Wall Motor in car products should be encouraged, and Great Wall C30, C50 independent compact car concern about the top five in the possession of two. This also shows that, in the self-car prices is not no way out, the sense of intention to do the product can really be recognized by the domestic consumers and industry as an independent car prices overwhelming push products, advocacy as a means of vehicles to promote the focus of only the cocoon, the practice of self-deception.
Joint venture compact models of the highest concern in the model-level ranking: Fox in the concern of the joint venture compact car rankings, Fox still appear in the list first, and the next four ranking Sagitar, Cruze, golf and Sunny , which is exactly the same degree of concern by all compact models level. In addition editing is also found that Japanese cars in the Civic, the Tiida, Sylphy, although the sun in the sales area has a good performance, but significantly less than the degree of concern in the hearts of Chinese consumers and U.S. models of Ashkenazi.
Imports of compact models of the highest concern in the model-level ranking: BMW 1 Series in the ranking of concerns from imported compact car, we can determine the degree of concern and a car sales contact is not obvious, you can see, the first five name rankings are the BMW 1 Series, Lexus CT, golf (Import), Audi A3, the Veloster fly thinking. The top five models in their own products has its own characteristics, such as the Lexus CT seductive appearance and mixed dynamic technology, next-generation Audi A3 rich technology configuration, the thinking of modern fly three design and 1.6T engines equipped. In the ranking of the top five in this segment, we did not see the shadow of the Mercedes-Benz models, only Mercedes-Benz B-Class appear until nine, to face old rivals BMW and Audi in the Chinese market, Mercedes-Benz time to think about countermeasures.
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