
Summer tire maintenance - maintenance vas 5054a rules

Vas 5054a  maintenance in every season, especially in the summer heat. How in the rainy season, the owners should take good care of your own car? International driving safety survey shows that the rainy driving traffic accident rate about five times higher than usual summer rainstorm, slippery road surfaces, tire adhesion decreased a great challenge for car tires. Michelin tire experts summer tire maintenance recommendations given in this helpful.First of all, must first check the tire before driving. Rainy season tires must not be less than 1.6 mm, preferably 3 mm or more, because the tire tread depth is too shallow drainage capacity of the tire fell, leading wet grip decline, affecting driving safety, especially the rear tire in turn may occur when the phenomenon of spin or drift. Secondly, stormy weather often encounter muddy road. Michelin experts advise owners of a friend to come across the front of the muddy road, stop to view the actual road conditions, check the hardness and depth of the pavement mud heap, do not rush to the front line. In this regard, the Michelin tire experts also gives a simple way to judge whether through the muddy road. Step one to see the car through the tire tracks, tire tracks more new vehicle in front by the shorter the time. Step two, according to the size of the tire tracks can also be judged by what kind of car as their vehicles through the conditions of the reference.Finally, the Michelin experts have warned owners car wading must control the throttle should be linked to low gear slowly into the water, avoid into the water soaked engine; later after hydrocephalus sections to continuous light on the brakes so that the brake disc within moisture excluded, to ensure road safety.The advent of the summer, the rainy season is also just around the corner. Rain car paint vulnerable to infringement, the chassis and scratched rust, air conditioning vent mold is easy to grow, how to get the car to the health and safety through the rainy season?
First, the Michelin experts recommend owners of a friend during the rainy season as much as the car wash and rust. Rainy the rain acidic substances also bring sewage and sludge will give your car, the chassis of the car rust. At the same time, the high summer temperatures, road asphalt and other substances easily with adhesive and rain on the body, chassis, and will cause harm to the body and paint. Not in time, the passage of time, the car paint will lose their luster. After the heavy rains, the owners of a friend not to forget the careful cleaning of the car.
Second, Michelin experts pointed out that rainy day should be more open to open Heating. The rainy season is extremely hot and humid, the car is relatively easy to breed various fungi, therefore, more open to open the Heating, can be dried body mold, musty car driving away. Encountered a rare sunny day, parked in the sun, to accept the solar disinfection, windows that open, and let the car air convection sterilization.
Finally, do not forget to conserve the engine. Wet weather, the "heart" of the car --- engine often "cold." Especially after wading car, many irrigation might be interested in the performance of the car impact serious enough to cause the car not normally open. Sometimes even if we manage to start the vehicle is also weakly. This may be the ignition system leakage due to moisture. So in the car after wading, the owner of the available non-fiber paper towels and textiles circuit 11 dry, and re-start.
Summer tire maintenance - tires the Ping summer of stunt
The color Qunjiao the breeze on the streets to remind us to this year's summer has come to you! Many riders and friends like in the dress light of summer travel holiday, but as the summer people need sunscreen, car tires also need maintenance. Starting with this issue of the Michelin tire experts will give you some of the summer tire maintenance knowledge to make your travel more secure.
According to incomplete statistics, 46% of highway accidents are caused due to tire failure, which flat tire one accounted for 70% of the total accidents. Summer, ground heat storage reaches the maximum of one year, but also multiple flat tire quarter. In order to ensure that the tires of your car safely through the heat of the summer, following the recipe stunt not learn ah.
Stunt the first move, be sure to select a qualified vas 5054a  quality tires and replacement tires regularly. A lot of the cause of the tire failure, tire performance deterioration is the culprit. Even if a set of tires and durable, and can not be a lifetime. When the gradual wear of the tire, the wires of the layer gradually fatigue aging, the tread when its performance is inevitably weakened.
Stunt trick often check the tire pressure, including the spare tire tire pressure. In the scorching summer sun, the tire contact with the hot ground, if the tire pressure is higher, is likely to lead to a flat tire. Driving at high temperatures do not let the tire pressure is too high.
Stunt third measure tire temperature, tire pressure is too high, you can not take the deflated and pour cold water on the way, you should select the shade parking, tire temperature, pressure natural decline.
Last stunt driving do not often sudden acceleration, sudden braking and sharp turn, which are not normal driving, this will cause the tires to rapid deformation, easy to wear too fast, causing the tire burst. Bikers friend also develop awareness to avoid tire overload.
With Michelin experts aestivation stunt bikers friend can make your car cool summer.
How to prevent traffic accidents caused by wheel slip
In a traffic accident file, a record of significant and serious traffic accident that caused a lot of wheel spin. How can effectively prevent this type of accident?
To prevent wheel spin should first understand the reasons of skidding. Michelin tire experts pointed out that the theory is caused by tires reduce the adhesion to the road, driving deviate from the direction of travel. The reason for this is due to driver measures misconduct, such as braking too accelerate too fast or direction of play too fast. Beginning of rain or drizzle, road oil from getting to the water will begin to open, therefore, to pay special attention when drivers encounter such situations.
Michelin tire expert analysis in normal circumstances, the wheel slip in three ways: First, the rear wheel slippage causes the vehicle yaw road flick, this time, the driver can not control. Four slip, four wheels locked during braking can not be rotated. The front wheel slip, mostly occur in the detour or turn excessive speed, the road is too slippery.
Let us follow the Michelin tire experts to overcome the above slip. First rear wheel slippage, slip is when the rear half of the body, the Michelin tire experts recommend that owners and friends, regardless of the vehicle which direction to slip, this time to go to the slip direction of the steering wheel and remember do not brake, all the action as much as possible gentle.
Secondly, when four skid, the owners will feel the vehicle forward dash faster speed than usual. Then we let's turn to find grip throttle, no brakes, tap the clutch, gentle all the action as possible. Vehicles slowly driving until the slipping phenomenon disappears.
In addition, encountered a front wheel skid, the steering wheel can not rotate the vehicle toward the front straight, until the collision obstacles when parking. Remember the rotation of the wheels, the steering wheel before rotating back to normal until the brakes repeatedly which makes the oil line to achieve the most effective state.
Rainy season, the road is often wet and slippery, skidding more opportunities with the the Michelin experts of anti skid stunt, owners of a friend can safely travel friends!
You drive the highway to play a "protective umbrella"
Car friends often plan to travel by car, as little as a day or two, as many sixty-seven days. Travel by car, take the highway is a regular thing, highway traffic and ordinary road, there are some differences.
Michelin tire experts have warned the owners of a friend drove at high speed, especially sufficient following effort;
First, traveling at high speed, we must maintain safe distance from the vehicle and the vehicle in front. The distance from the vehicle in front is generally related with the speed, the faster the speed, the greater the distance necessary to pull to the vehicle in front. Safe distance from the length and the vehicle speed is always maintained at the same value. Example: when the vehicle speed is 100 km, the distance from the vehicle in front is necessary to maintain more than 100 meters. This distance allows the driver to have enough reaction time in case of an emergency.
Secondly, the Michelin tire experts also recommend brake as continuous Diancha as possible. Highway in an emergency situation, emergency braking is very dangerous. Even if you can avoid hitting others, but can not guarantee that the vehicle does not hit you suddenly decelerate. During braking can be several small amount of consecutive points brake, brake light flashes on and off thus, for the benefit of the attention caused by other vehicles to make the appropriate preparations. And point braking are also conducive to the maintenance of the adhesion of the tire and the ground reduce vas 5054a   deviation, sliding phenomenon.

