
Do not let your car chilled- lexia 3 use to remind

Winter car maintenance, lexia 3 antifreeze is essential to the project. The winter car failure, to a large extent with antifreeze, therefore, timely to check and replace the antifreeze is very important.
The more antifreeze cause engine failure likely to occur in the winter, for two main reasons. First, because they did not choose the right antifreeze, causing antifreeze tank impurities, or different brands of antifreeze chemical reaction; adding antifreeze excessive or too little. Correct use of antifreeze to note the following winter.
We must first understand the antifreeze the characteristics to select the correct antifreeze. The antifreeze composition generally by the base fluid and additive, the base liquid composition, consisting of water and ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol, additives include anti-rust agents, antifungal agents, pH adjusting agents, anti-foam agents and coloring agents. Kind, the antifreeze is generally divided into two concentrated and non-concentrated, non-concentrated antifreeze can not be diluted with water. Different brands and types of antifreeze suitable temperature is also different. For example, Castrol Ka car insurance antifreeze into -46 ° C, -30 ° C and -15 ° C, layman's terms, the three temperature the lowest withstand temperature of the freezing point, which is antifreeze at this temperature under before icing. So, these three antifreeze fully able to meet most parts of China, weather conditions and road conditions, vehicle owners can be based on location and environment, to select the appropriate antifreeze at the same time, this series of products do not need to be diluted, convenient The owners directly meet the needs of the engine antifreeze protection.
The variety of currently available anti-freeze, no formal inspection of the product tend to have strong corrosive, easy to damage the car's cooling system, and some antifreeze will tank corrosion perforation into the engine, resulting in a more serious engine failure , so be sure to choose the regular brand antifreeze. Owners in use and select antifreeze, also pay attention to the following points.
First, the different types of antifreeze can not mix, so as not to cause a chemical reaction to produce a precipitate or bubbles, reduce the use of effects. Second, the various types of antifreeze ratio formulation, different components, its freezing point is not the same, then the selection should be based on the local temperature conditions. Low temperature tolerance of the antifreeze type should be selected in the north, the concentration should be maintained at about 70%; can be selected to withstand a higher temperature, the concentration should be maintained at about 50% in the south.
In addition, adding antifreeze liquid level is generally around plus away from the tank outlet 10mm is appropriate, too much and too little, hazards are likely to cause the cooling system.
Experts also remind owners, if it is the year to buy a new car, do not need to replace the antifreeze; if the vehicle has been used for more than two years, you need to replace the antifreeze in a timely manner. Morning News reporter Sun Jinfeng
■ expert ideas auto glass defogging coup
Into the late autumn, the weather is more cold. When driving due to the large difference in temperature, it is easy to fog formation on the glass in the car, affecting traffic safety. So how glass defogging, experts give you some suggestions.
Automatic air conditioning defog operation is very easy to open automatic air conditioning, the mode switch to defog stop when the air conditioning is automatically converted to the outer loop, outside fresh air into the cab, defogging began. Manual air conditioning, should first switch in wind direction to the defog stop, start outside the loop to let fresh air blown into the compressor and wind speed can crank up the speed up demisting speed. If the the feeling side glass defogging is not fast enough, it is best to close the two center air vent, so that both sides of the outlet air flow to quickly disperse the fog, can also be appropriate window to speed up demisting. In addition, it is also specialized dehazers defogging.


