
Don't loss rational of luxury car

Afford not equal to support it. " With the luxury car market competition, the car prices continue to edge lower, to 20 thousands of dollars to buy entry-level models of the Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other brands no longer a problem. Related statistics show that China's luxury brand owners group is expanding rapidly. However, the reporter found that the number of growth together with the entry-level luxury car sales figures were "offering family car"."From the look of the current market conditions, it is more cost effective to purchase an entry-level luxury car. But many consumers when buying a car, but ignore the maintenance cost and running cost. Affordable does not mean affordable, support it. Jing-Hui Yan, deputy general manager of this part of the cost, it is a lot of entry-level luxury car consumers bear. "Beijing Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange Market (hereinafter referred to as" Asian City "), said that many Chinese consumers still do not have the economic luxury car strength, the lack of a rational purchase, and only put a heavy burden.The entry-level luxury car selling price is getting lower and lower maintenance costs did not drop. Reporters contrast compared with the price of similar high-class models, entry-level luxury car maintenance costs at least double, and higher maintenance cost, up to 5 times with the price senior models ."Buying a car shall only early one-time expenditures, future maintenance costs is the owners continued investment in a luxury brand 4S stores maintenance experts told reporters that some owners to buy a luxury brand's entry-level models because the price can accept However, future maintenance having too much.Indeed, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi maintenance costs of three entry-level model is the basic in about 1000 yuan, large maintenance costs between 2000-3000. The senior model maintenance costs for the same price will have to significantly lower a lot of small maintenance costs about 400 yuan, a large maintenance costs only between $ 600-800.In addition, experts remind consumers a small part of the maintenance costs only vehicle maintenance costs. "A lot of maintenance projects is based on the use of vehicles, such as spark plugs, front and rear brake pads and brake fluid replacement, does not specifically how many thousands of kilometers need to be replaced, the owner according to the traffic computer system prompt or determined according to the actual detection part of the cost is not included in the routine maintenance costs. "According to the maintenance experts, along with the increase in the mileage of vehicles using the different parts are gradually replaced. Luxury models of part of your luxury cars, maintenance costs, a travel thousands of kilometers will be able to easily reach thousands of dollars this is not unusual. "The expert said.Such a high expenditure of keeping a car is difficult to bear a lot of entry-level luxury car owners, but the Reporter investigation revealed, in fact, most consumers in the purchase of the specific cost of the entry-level ho car for after-sale maintenance required is not clear."I buy a car before but also specifically to the 4S shop sales staff consulted with maintenance costs, but he told my little Paul, as long as a few hundred dollars, the Great Barrier but thousands of little, or 10,000 km maintenance, two The mileage service intervals than the double of the 5000 km of the many high-class models. a BMW 3 series owners Mr. Han talking about the car experienced quite a bit innocent feeling.Similar with Mr. Han, A survey shows that more than 70% of consumers in the purchase of entry-level luxury car, are simply consulted the maintenance costs on the rush to make a purchase decision. There are some people understand the prices of various spare parts, but they do not know the number of kilometers need to be replaced."This situation can not blame the 4S shop selling cars explained clearly salesperson is responsible for sales, after-sale maintenance costs, they are not very clear, again, the salesman selling cars for the main purpose, nor might give you to make a detailed comparison of the Su Hui, a senior expert of the auto industry (microblogging), as an important expenditure items in the living, consumers should be in the car before a cool analysis to determine the cars they buy and then shot. while not impulse buying and then to blame, regret.Do not worry about the car is a consumable, after there is depreciation, maintenance and other issues to face. "Jing-Hui Yan, consumers before buying a car should have a basic cognitive, is a luxury brand, what level models, the cost of maintenance is difficult to lower than the four-digit. ""If the general white-collar workers, is difficult to afford luxury cars, said Jing-Hui Yan, look at the statistics of the City of Asia, for entry-level luxury car consumers, many young white-collar workers in the 30-year-old, Jing-Hui Yan for these people calculations, the monthly income of around $ 10,000, or even higher, but generally carrying a mortgage, there is daily communication expenses, the rest of the money is not much ". Jing-Hui Yan said, if money left less than 10,000 yuan per month in addition to the fixed expenses, it is best not to consider buying a luxury car, or we need to face "face up, quality of life down," the troubles.Indeed, the reporter interviewed a number of owners found that the monthly income over 10,000 yuan to support the luxury car is very difficult, and therefore half of the economic strength of the weaker owners forced to become a "holding the family car."Every time the maintenance feel distressed, if the replacement parts and other expenses, more tangled for a while." Foreign white-collar workers, Mercedes-Benz C-class owners Chen said, Mercedes in the garage with friends that very face, but high maintenance costs does make her feel bad, so now in addition to going out to car on weekends and holidays, usually to work on select bus travel."Do not 'withstand fire' up to buy, if your money is barely enough to afford an entry-level luxury car, then buy it back and it is dangerous." Jing-Hui Yan recommend economic strength is not strong consumer may wish to consider when buying a car under a vehicle, living within our means will not be forced "offering car.Could not afford, and, though suffering from a very tough situation, but still hard to extinguished the enthusiasm and yearning of the consumer demand for luxury cars. "In fact, consumers seeking big, and the pursuit of luxury is beyond reproach, this psychology is human nature." Said Su Hui, now a luxury car consumption of heat is a process that is inevitable experience in the development of China's market economy. Gone through this stage, we all had finished high car addiction, passion will naturally go down steadily.Fanatical pursuit of a few years later is bound to come down, like to buy, is not yet ripe for consumption performance, wait until the development of the market to mature, these questions will naturally be solved. "Su Hui said that, now automobile market in the luxury car consumption of heat, there is no need to forcibly curbed, as contrary to the laws of economic development, human consumption at any time with the development of economic and cultural adjustment ". Su Hui predicted 3-5 years after the Chinese luxury car market will cool down, consumer buying behavior will gradually return to rational in this process.Auto analyst Jia Xinguang (microblogging), also agree with the view of Su Hui, he said, economic strength, the Chinese consumers in the fashion and enjoyment, is a normal phenomenon in the future as further downwards as well as ownership of the luxury car price The increase in maintenance costs will be gradually reduced, there will be more and more affordable luxury cars, this "could not afford" phenomenon will naturally diminish.Jia Xinguang also remind consumers to meet the psychological needs, but also to grasp the actual life of budgetary expenditures, considering how to buy a car to become improve their quality of life is one thing, not a burden. In general is always to try to thoughtfully consider, buy and use all thought. "Said Jia Xinguang."The luxury car has very cheap." Some time ago, Mercedes-Benz is a substantial price reduction, there are sound, the lack of preparation by the consumer, luxury cars, a substantial price reduction may be very dangerous. "Said Jia Xinguang, now being exposed more to more entry-level luxury car owners holding car "phenomenon, predicted by some experts in the industry was one of the" dangerous ".The experts generally agreed that the moment about the luxury car is very cheap "argument is a misunderstanding, it is easy to mislead the consumer. "In the event of a big change, a market-related businesses should do more forward-looking things, such as manufacturers and distributors should be as detailed as possible for consumers to explain and tell the consumption standards of the luxury car to help the group of customers to get rid of The luxury car has been 'very cheap' errors. "said Jia Xinguang, Chinese consumers know not a lot of buying behavior are implemented after the newspaper advert, results bought back a lot of people who complain.

