
Many experts said automotive air conditioning is carcinogenic is untrasted

Recently, some users upload microblogging automotive air conditioning may produce toxins and carcinogens.News release by the the many car owners concern, however, the rumors are true? Automotive air conditioning weekdays how to care for? Some reporters to your interpretationMicroblogging Biography of automotive air conditioning carcinogenic "

Into the car to open the window ventilation few minutes, and then turn on the air conditioning, because the car dashboard, sofa, air filter, will release 'benzene' produce toxins and carcinogenic. "Recently, an article entitled" car air conditioning carcinogenic - required reading long microblogging crazy reproduced on the network.

Above microblogging also pointed out that the benzene per square foot of an acceptable level of 50 mg. If parking in the indoor and windows closed, produce 400 to 800 mg of benzene. If the stop under the sun in the outdoor temperature exceeds 15.5 ° C, benzene increased from 2000 to 4000 mg, exceeding 40 times the permitted amount. 

The high temperature will not cause benzene exceeded.Inside the car on the market by materials common materials, such as rubber, leather, plastic, glass, and in addition, there are a large number of adhesives.

"National car environmental standards, the car must have been tested and reach qualified before the factory, such hazardous substances seriously overweight problem does not exist." An Ashkenazi brands Wang said, "at a high temperature, automobiles, rubber, plastic indeed may have the volatile formaldehyde and benzene, but far not reached the standard of cancer. "

Automotive air conditioning carcinogenic issued by many experts in the rumor. Wang told reporters, summer should first window into the car after the open air, the temperature dropped faster in order to accelerate the car gas exchange, also contribute to part of the harmful gases discharged outside the car.

Meanwhile, Wang reminded the owners, in the car with air conditioning, not only with the inner loop, and occasionally have to change the outer loop. In addition, to the car dealers to carry out the maintenance of the air conditioning, such as cleaning the filter outlet and the additive should be changed regularly.

