
And paintwork why waxing elm327 conservation

1, paint Why to waxing conservation?
1) the car waxing conservation, can remove stubborn 
elm327  stains of paint to form a protective film.
2) the oxide film has been formed over the paint has a good removal effect and the patch of paint some of the micro-crack gap.
3) to prevent the corrosion of ultraviolet rays, acid, alkaline substances.
4) slow down the aging of the paint to extend the life of the paint.
2. Chela role and principle?
(1) the role of water ---- in strong sunlight, each water droplets is a convex lens. Focusing effect of it, the focus at temperatures of 800-1000 degrees. Dark spots caused by paint, a great impact on the quality of the paint in the life. Also easy to make exposed metal surfaces from corrosion. Chela repulsion of water-based substances, allows drops not easily attached to the surface of the body.
(2) High-temperature --- wax anti-high-temperature  
Ford Ids Vcm   action principle is to produce a valid reflection of the incident light from different directions to prevent the reflected light so that the aging of the paint and the basecoat discoloration.
(3) anti-static effect ---- electrostatic driver inconvenience, and may even cause harm. Chela antistatic effect is mainly reflected in the on car surface electrostatic prevent, its mechanism is to cut off the dust with the metal surface friction. Coated wax layer thickness and Chela ability to attach itself, there are some differences in its anti-static effect, generally better than ordinary car wax antistatic wax friction blocking dust and paint.
(4) the role of anti-UV ---- UV characteristics determine UV easier refracted into the paint, anti-ultraviolet wax fully consider the characteristics of the ultraviolet it against the car table to minimize.
(5) glazing role --- alone Chela basic role, after waxing vehicles, can improve its surface brightness, so that the body to restore the beautiful qualities of.
3 car how long to play a wax?
The vehicle environment, parking places waxing time interval should be different generally have garage parking, vehicles traveling on good roads; every 1-2 months to play a wax; open storage of vehicles due to wind blowing rain, the best month to play a wax. Of course, this is not hard and fast rules, generally by hand touch the body do not feel smooth, can once again waxing.
4, how to fight hand-wax?
Simple hand-waxing. Hand waxing, first the right  
Digimaster 3   amount of wax coated sponge (dedicated waxing sponge) and then reciprocating linear smear a certain order, every smear on the smear zone a 1/5-4/5's coincidence degree. Coated to prevent leakage.
5, how to master the polishing operation?
According to the instructions of different wax. 5-10 minutes after smear can be polished, polished after the first waxing polishing follow the principle. Polishing balls and paint friction generates heat, spray a little water in the polishing at reducing heat. Ensure polished car table from pollution damage. The polishing job usually use non-woven reciprocating linear motion, proper push hard to remove the remaining wax.

