
Car with a OBDII Code Info Bluetooth headset or other good

Yesterday morning, Xu master Bluetooth headset OBDII Code Info after picking up a phone, right ear suddenly buzzing ringing, giddy, business can not go on, and rushed to the Hangzhou TCM Hospital ENT attendances.

The ENT doctor Hui master the ear canal and hearing tests, found Hsu master hearing worse than normal. The master Xu said: "I used to suffer from otitis media, hearing is not very good, just take that phone with a Bluetooth headset, just turned only hear very loud raspy voice, ears what is not comfortable, and has been did not improve. "

The doctors recommend Xu master, under the premise of his hearing has declined, it is best not to wear a Bluetooth headset, especially low-quality Bluetooth headset.

"It's a long time to listen to the headphones can damage hearing the truth." Said Chen Zhiling, deputy director of the City Hospital ENT Bluetooth headset is lightweight and convenient, but for a long time to wear the adverse health.

If the use of a low-quality headphones, and sometimes unsuccessful process of docking, headphones may suddenly made ​​a 
obd2 usb  harsh, shrill voice, and easier to damage the auditory nerve, tinnitus and other symptoms may occur in severe cases, improper handling may also induce the outer ear Ministry of diseases, even sensing nerve deafness.

In addition, no matter how lightweight headphones, long-term hanging in the auricle of the pinna oppression, is apt to cause local bruised. If you go out by the cold stimulation, easily induced ear inflammation.

Another point, when the car wearing a Bluetooth headset, ear headset plugged, another ear hearing function is also bound to be affected, while driving phone conversation with others whose attention may decline There is a security risk.

Dr. Chen suggested that the headset must choose the regular manufacturers. Wear a Bluetooth headset and receive calls, volume 
Lexia-3 USB Cable  best control is appropriate to hear someone speak. Wearing Bluetooth headsets time not too long, you can get on the train wearing, get off to remove. Youth auditory organ has not yet mature, it is not the best Bluetooth headset or wired headset.

