
Resulting in vehicle Autocom cdp pro fuel consumption

Tire pressure is not normal or exchange of large-size tires
The experts said that the tire because underinflated time will affect the fuel consumption when tire pressure is too small, the contact area of ​​the tire and the ground to increase the resistance of the traveling vehicles are naturally more waste oil. The same token, the displacement model, load models assume A car used first wife the tire while B car chosen a tire width larger tires, the vehicle resistance increase B car will be more than A cars consume more fuel. Of course, owners tire pressure charging too and replacement tire
Autocom cdp pro  width too narrow tires will increase flat tire, tire wear and reduce driving comfort possible.
Not planned route, driving on crowded roads, frequent lane change
Many big city traffic jams, and some experienced drivers will choose one of the most crowded routes between the starting point and the destination. For owners of this proposal friends plan the route in advance, pay attention to local traffic and road conditions to avoid congested roads. Reduce vehicle started, parking, driving, according to the economic speed and this equates to fuel savings for you. Also, many of the owners of a friend often on the road lane change, then you not only to speed up, slow down and distance traveled nor the straight-line distance to the short, so this is the increased fuel consumption, one of the reasons.
Not to the car on a regular basis to "clean up"
The conditionally friends recommend frequent cleaning of the appearance of the vehicle, vehicle waxing regularly is also a good fuel economy. Vehicles in the greatest resistance from the air, if your vehicle accident body has been
obd2 center  deformed and this may affect the aerodynamics of the vehicle, even if it is slightly raised or sunken will affect fuel consumption, while the body is too much soil the same burden on the vehicle and winter car body snow.
Idle for a long time does not stall or frequent ignition
Experience a long wait without moving vehicles, it is recommended that owners can choose to turn off the engine. We can often see taxi drivers queuing soliciting choose to turn off the engine go carts, in fact, this is the experience the best fuel economy in the same circumstances.
When you wait for friends and stuck stuck in the road, it is better to simply turn off the engine. Every time the engine starts when computer controlled fuel injection quantity will be more frequently in the period of time you start the engine will definitely increase the vehicle's fuel consumption. Auto repair experts also said that the frequent start the engine, the more a child car performance
Violent refueling, driving frequent brake
We advise that you see in the movies start Bigfoot boom before the throttle is very desirable, after all, the stop line is not the starting line of the track. Started in accordance with the normal rhythm, refueling, shift, over time, will be able to save a lot of fuel after. Driving on the road, if not required, it is best not to frequent overtaking, constant
Wholesale obd2 tools  speed in order to reduce fuel consumption. Another master you and the vehicle in front following distance, braking action to minimize unnecessary can also bring you the joy of the fuel-efficient.

