
Replace the brake Volvo Dice Vida pads is critical

Tangxia of Mr. Chen opened a Japanese car,Volvo Dice Vida   has been used for many years, in October last year, he went to check the vehicle repair shop informed his brake pads need to be replaced, because he is not too concerned about the problem of brake pads so the whole to the repair shop to deal with.

As everyone knows, the self-driving during the Spring Festival this year, when he drove a long slope, how can brake car, but fortunately no vehicle in front, did not cause the accident.

Afterwards, Mr. Chen drove the car to the local 4S shop check found that the brake pads covered with rust, maintenance personnel told him that the car's brake pads is defective, not the original brake pads appear rust phenomenon.

Mr. Chen said after listening to the words of the maintenance staff did not ask because he changed the brake pads repair shop he frequented the shop, so the price of them, almost an accident because I did not expect that this is actually due to the repair shop with the poor quality caused by the brake pads.

Mr. Yang said that specialize in selling auto parts, brake pads on the market merchants would say the original deputy factory divided the products from tens of dollars to several hundred dollars.

This price difference, product quality is very different. For example, some tens of dollars, brake pads, high content of metal debris, brake pads surface oxidation has occurred, will be born of rust. Brake pads, long-term use of this danger will naturally arise. Regular factory in order to ensure braking performance, particular 
Autocom CDP Pro  stress on the ratio of the materials used in brake friction materials. So as to effectively prevent brake failure during braking or wheel lock, steering wheel out of control, brake pads burning caused by a tire fire and other dangerous consequences occurred.

