
Modified cruise Digimaser 3 control may make the braking distance

With the human development and progress  Digimaser 3  of automotive technology, many of the emerging electronic technologies to allow motorists easier and convenient, "cruise" was part of this technology by electronic intervention speed stability maintained at a fixed value, so comfortable driving at high speed and comfortable .

    So, in the field of car modification, retrofitting their cars with cruise control, has become increasingly popular topic. But potentially fatal danger but hidden in cruise control: cruise control may cause braking distance becomes longer.

When most people turn on the cruise control high-speed driving, the foot will naturally on the floor, when the emergency brake, step on the brake pedal speed most cases there is no foot off the accelerator to a brake fast, resulting in artificially braking distance becomes longer. There is another reason, when the cruise control is not use, from a deceleration process to brake

    Foot off the throttle, the engine 
renault can clip  stop oil supply (commonly known as the resumption of oil), the speed has been reduced, the vehicle has been pre-deceleration, and then hit the brakes, will certainly shorten the braking distance. Open the cruise control only when the brakes, the engine stopped oil supply, the lack of oil revenues, pre-deceleration, vehicle braking distance naturally become longer.

High speed on a car traveling at 110 km / h, forward 30 meters per second, 0.1 seconds, visible hesitation, the braking distance will be increased by 3 meters, this distance is often lethal.

This on the mechanical stability of the electronic systems in harsh conditions, the the converted cruise control quality and durability and no original high. Of course, not to say give up cruise control, because its benefits are clear and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

    And a number of car manufacturers and research and development crisis pretreatment (deceleration) system, assisted cruise control, to make it more secure and reliable. Assisted deceleration system, cruise control, our  
BMW GT1    driver's effort not to completely relax, with security guarantees, convenient only makes more sense.

