
Small coup of car launch x431antirust

Tip 1: alert to the subtle scars
Paint surface often rust, in addition to the
launch x431  common collision, scratching, driving tires bouncing small stones to play in the paint, but also make the flaking paint appears a small point, and over time will produce small rust spots. Which a small scar because mostly in humble at easily be overlooked. Therefore, usually to regularly check the body, engine cover and body around, if it is found necessary and timely to the professional beauty shop processing.
Tip 2: easy to water, ground investigation at the humidity
Vehicles on the way, encounter rain and snow, or passing through muddy puddles it is inevitable, the the underbody gap at the car floor, etc. are easily accumulated sludge owner is not cleaned in a timely manner, which makes moisture be hiding. Therefore, for the 
  wheels inside and outside edge of the door, the bottom corner of the luggage door keyhole and wiper frame movable parts, etc., should always be checked at the same time to maintain the smooth flow of the drainage holes in the door and body ministries to check the car cover humidity, such as carpets and other floor member to prevent rust.
Tip 3: soft paint to do the sealing glaze
Some softer vehicle paint, sand particles hit the body of the vehicle in the process of high-speed driving may also resulting in relying marks of fine. For such vehicles, can give body to do sealing glaze, it can be a solid protective film to form a mesh, to improve the hardness of the paint, and the effect can be maintained for about one year. The coating can also achieve a similar role. In addition, the bottom of the vehicle can be armored chassis or sealed plastic chassis acid rain, so you can protect against corrosion, the original protective layer is not easy chapped, shedding, but also to prevent the impact of traveling 
Digimaser 3   among the pebbles on the chassis.
Tip 4: best not to cover sewing
The vehicle was parked outside, if the case of heavy rain, the weather, the inner layer of the sewing will repeatedly beaten paint, especially if the sand is blown into the sewing, the vehicle body will draw countless small tract zoned marks, over time will cause the paint to black. In addition, after the sand not to directly sand with a duster or rags to clean up the body of the vehicle, but should be rinsed with water, and also in order to prevent sand scratch the paint on the duster and wipes.
Tip 5: do-it-yourself deal with small rust point
The body has some minor scratches or corrosion, if the owner stood regardless rust easily, but not worthy of spent automotive beauty shops. Well, the owner can do it yourself with some easy ways to deal with.
Tip # 6: up painting process relying marks
If the rust is not very serious, can be with a very fine water sandpaper dipped in water and gently rubbed off the rust, but avoid direction chaos mill, with polished to a straight line. And so completely wipe coated with primer. New scratches 
renault can clip can be wiped off directly primed. After that, if the vehicle is equipped with a small can of the original paint on the primer dries, and then water sandpaper be polished, painted with the original paint over the primer. If there is no original paint, you can purchase a complement paint pen, colored handle up painting. Did not go to the beauty shop to good effect, but if it is small or not visible at the scars, can also serve to prevent rust expand, increase the role of this treatment.

