
How to clean BMW GT1 air conditioning

How to clean automotive air conditioning? Automotive  BMW GT1   website Daquan remind owners, air conditioning cleaning method is somewhat particular about cleaning must be done thoroughly to remove impurities and dirt, or odor, cleaning more difficult.
A selection of automotive air conditioning cleaning machine cleaning process:
1 Clean the filter: remove the filter for cleaning.
2, spray cleaner:
Start the car air conditioner and washing machine: spraying from the air inlet high pressure spray, neutral detergent to car duct evaporation fin emulsification, break down dirt and grease.
3, spray water cleaning: start the car air-conditioning washing machine, spraying water to wash the air conditioning duct from the air inlet high pressure atomization, evaporation fins, then you can see a lot of dirty water from the air conditioning outfall discharge. The elimination of cleaning fluid remaining in the car and dirt!
Air conditioning inside the room Sterilization: start the car air conditioning washing machine, spraying disinfectant from the air inlet high pressure atomization tube the wash air conditioning wind evaporation fin disinfection! Disinfectant spray after to close the car doors and windows, air conditioning hot air to the maximum within the cycle of 15 minutes. Disinfectant can thorough disinfection of air conditioning 
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Second, the use of a common problem of the foam cleaner and spray cleaner:
1, the cleaning agent remaining on the air-conditioning the internal corrosion of the evaporator.
, Ventilation tube, the evaporation tank covered with sticky detergent, dust, dirt easier to adhere to the above, shortly after cleaning dirty smell greater. Currently the market is used in foam cleaning spray technology is the only jet of cleaning agent, without rinsing. For example: a person taking a bath, only wipe cleaners, do not flush, can clean this? (Most four S stores and high-end car wash shop basically this wash method)
Third, the cleaning effect:
1, used in conjunction with the automotive air conditioning cleanser has a strong penetration, thorough decomposition emulsified dirt, sterilization, disinfection and deodorization function. High-pressure atomization spraying automotive air conditioning evaporator fins, prompting the dirt the rapid decomposition of emulsified.
2, to overcome the shortcomings of the common automotive air conditioning cleanser on the market "only spray cleaners, no water to wash". Metaphor: rub detergent wash their hands, do not flush cleaning. Cleaners, air  
maxidas ds708   conditioning evaporator dirt did not thoroughly washed off, the evaporator glue sticky glue dirt.
3, efficient and safe. Auto air conditioning, cleaning and other cleaning methods biggest difference is: efficient and clean, does not affect the other circuit will not affect the air conditioning sensor.

