
The BMW GT1 steering wheel is not correct how to adjust

Steering wheel to the right and crooked how to adjust?
Vehicles in use for some time the  
BMW GT1  steering wheel is not straight, and tire pressure, tire wear, chassis parts to wear out, wheel alignment, there will be a certain relationship, you can measure the tire pressure on both sides, both sides of the tire pressure is inconsistent, vehicles to the low pressure side of the road. Front tire tread wear is inconsistent, it will also result in the vehicle deviation.

If the tire does not have any problems, it is recommended to the 4S shop to check the chassis parts, wheel alignment values ​​change will result in use for some time after the steering wheel is not correct the problem, there may appear tie rod offset to the side of the errors caused by the steering wheel.

The fight direction when abnormal sound is what is the reason?

Automotive steering, the steering wheel has a slight noise, possibly power steering pump affected by the oil viscosity changes lead to pump oil resistance and noise, this sound will not have an impact on vehicle safety.

If you feel at ease, for check-ups can be to drive to of 4S stores or repair shops, exclude abnormal sound.

Vehicles difficult morning start is how is it?
The car is difficult to start, generally there will be several phenomena: gasoline atomization bad cold start. Encounter inferior oil. Third, when the vehicles parked too long after the decline in the oil pressure in the fuel line, and can not maintain normal oil pressure, so there will be the start of the cool car is not easy to start or idling unstable phenomenon.

Therefore, it is recommended  
J2543  that the key to the door to go to the second stop position (or repeatedly switch a few times), the fuel pump will automatically operate for a few seconds before each time you start the engine, the first aim is to establish a certain amount of fuel pressure. Wait for the fuel pump running, start the engine, will be improved

